Today’s guest is Mairi MacKenzie, fashion historian, writer and curator, whose research looks at the relationship between the clothes that we wear and our culture. Her latest research is into the world of scent and what flower could be more intrinsically linked with perfume than the rose? In the interview, we discuss famous rose-based perfumes, the symbolism behind its use, whether its historically been perceived as a feminine scent, the mysterious workings of the Osmotheque and why that rose perfume you made as a child never worked!
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What we cover
Mairi’s career and her interest in the role of the rose in perfume
When roses were first used in fragrance
The Osmotheque
Roses for symbolism as well as scent
Has rose always been perceived as a feminine scent?
What does rose scent connote?
Scents that are heavily rose based
The role of the rose as an ingredient in contemporary perfumes
About Mairi MacKenzie
Mairi MacKenzie is Research Fellow in Fashion and Textiles at Glasgow School of Art. She is a fashion historian, writer and curator, and her research seeks to understand not just what was worn and by whom, but why it was worn and what the relationship is between the clothes that we wear and our culture. –,-mairi/
Mairi will be speaking at the London College of Garden Design’s Horti-couture conference in October. The Conference will explore the influence of plants and gardens on the fashion world and features some of the industry’s leading academics and influencers. For more information visit the LCGD website or their Eventbrite page. Tickets start at just £59 and the day will be streamed online as well as in person at Kew Gardens.