This week’s guest is Carolyn Mullet. Carolyn is an author and garden tour organiser. She recently released a book about some of the most beautiful gardens she’s visited in Europe, called Adventures in Eden. In the interview, I speak to Carolyn about the book and (with barely concealed envy) I ask her about the trips she undertakes and the gardens she sees with her company Carex Tours.
Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Bay Sucker Psyllid
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What we talk about:
How Carolyn chooses gardens to visit
How does a garden make the grade for the book or to be included in a tour?
Whether there is any correlation between an owner’s personalities and the type of garden they have
The ways Carolyn has noticed private gardens changing over the past decade or so
The recipe for a successful garden
The most exciting place for garden design and innovation right now
About Carolyn Mullet
Carolyn Mullet is a retired award-winning garden designer who practiced in the Washington, DC metro area for over 30 years. She received her formal training in residential landscape design from George Washington University. She is also the owner and creative director of CarexTours offering international garden tours each year for the discerning garden traveler. Her book “Adventures in Eden: An Intimate Tour of Private European Gardens” was published by Timber Press in 2020. In addition, she produces popular social media posts daily showcasing gardens from around the world on both Instagram and Facebook for a large international community of garden and plant enthusiasts.