Pink cosmos and shoo fly plant against a background of flowers

218: Creating Wildlife Habitats

This episode, my guest is Catherine Heatherington. Catherine is a garden designer and consultant and she’s the author of several books about landscape. Along with Alex Johnson, Catherine is a co-founder of Design Wild Associates, a design practice that encourages wildlife into even the smallest of urban spaces and Catherine and Alex have co-authored the recently released book ‘Habitat Creation in Garden Design’.

Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Stepping stone gardens

What We Talk About

Catherine’s background in design and horticulture

How Catherine & Alex’s garden surveying process differs to a standard survey and why this is useful for assessing habitat value

The ‘as found’ approach to design

Habitat gardens – do they need to be informal and naturalistic? And large?

“The gardens that are the most densely planted are best for wildlife”. Is there evidence that this is the case?

Transitional spaces and wildlife activity

Is it possible to speak in generalities when it comes to landscape design for wildlife?

The warp and weft method of planting design

Maintaining gardens for wildlife

About Catherine Heatherington

Catherine is a garden designer and consultant with a PhD from the University of Sheffield. She s the author of several books about landscape. Along with Alex Johnson, Catherine is a co-founder of Design Wild Associates, a design practice that encourages wildlife into even the smallest of urban spaces.


Habitat Creation in Garden Design by Catherine Heatherington & Alex Johnson – The Crowood Press Ltd

Catherine Heatherington Designs

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