This episode goes out in celebration of The Chelsea Fringe. The Fringe is an annual event which runs concurrently to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and celebrates everything alternative in horticulture. And this episode is certainly alternative! It was intended to be an AMA (Ask Me Anything) episode but quickly evolved into a general chat with my host this week, Jake Rayson. We then moved on to talk about a new initiative I’m launching. The idea is in its embryonic stage and I have no idea how it’s going to develop, but listen on for some more info.
Thank you very much Jake for being a friend, stand-in host and long-term supporter of Roots and All. Please check out the links to Jake’s work below.
Jake made a handy list of free resources, NBN Atlas and GBIF his latest faves, quite amazing.
And he’s available for wildlife forest garden design work, remote sites a speciality. Here’s his portfolio
Here’s Jake’s Garden Wild Spreadsheet
Other episodes if you liked this one:
The Chelsea Fringe with Tim Richardson
Introduction to Forest Gardening with Jake Rayson
Transcript content.