This week’s guest is Fergus Garrett, Head Gardener at Great Dixter, an historic house and garden in East Sussex. Over the past four or so years, experts from many fields have come together to record the biodiversity of the site and the results have been fascinating. Fergus shares some of the results of this biodiversity audit and talks about how important it is to establish a coherent network of habitats in both public and private spaces across the UK.
About Fergus Garrett:
Fergus trained in horticulture at Wye College. He worked for Rosemary Alexander and for Beth Chatto before becoming Head Gardener at Great Dixter in 1992. Fergus worked closely with Christopher Lloyd until Christopher’s death in 2006. Since then he has become Chief Executive of the Great Dixter Charitable Trust. Fergus continues to work full-time in the garden alongside a dynamic team of gardeners and students. He also writes for many publications and lectures extensively across the world. In 2019, he was awarded the RHS Victoria Medal of Honour.
What we talk about:
– The decision to commission the Biodiversity Audit of Great Dixter
– The findings of the audit
– Biodiversity hotspots
– How the ornamental areas compare to wilder areas such as the meadows and woodland
– Thoughts about how the research that’s underway at Great Dixter can be developed and how it can beneficially inform the way we all garden
– The importance of preserving historic houses and gardens from a biodiversity perspective
Great Dixter House & Gardens