In this episode, I’m talking to Dr Elizabeth Westaway and Matthew Adams, founders of Growing Real Food for Nutrition, or Grffn for short. Grffn’s vision is for a world where all food is grown for its nutritional qualities using regenerative practices, and made accessible to all. We talk about how the way food is grown can affect its nutritional value and how this can support environmentally sound growing practices.
Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Conopid flies
This episode is sponsored by offers online horticultural training for those looking to develop their own, home gardens. The lasted course to be added is Create Your Garden Sanctuary – you can go to to find out more.
What we cover
How Elizabeth and Matthew came to start Growing Real Food for Nutrition
Why all carrots are not made equal
How you measure the nutrient content of food
Why it can vary
How we can make sure we’re growing nutrient dense food
How citizen science helps
Brix testing
Is organically grown food generally higher in nutrients than non-organically grown?
About Growing Real Food for Nutrition
Grffn’s vision is for a world where all food is grown for its nutritional qualities using regenerative practices, and made accessible to all, creating an abundance of health and harmony, reconnecting humans with Mother Earth.
Grffn’s mission is to deepen citizens’ understanding of how we derive nutrition from natural processes and to realise its impact on human development.