248: The Container Victory Garden

This episode I’m speaking with author and expert gardener Maggie Stuckey about growing food in containers. We talk about growing a container garden of vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers and the inspirational history of wartime Victory Gardens and their legacy for today’s gardeners.

Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Painted Lady Butterflies

What We Talk About 

Victory gardens 

Growing food in containers

With container space at a premium, how can you choose what to grow?

Essential equipment

Cool season and warm season plants

Maggie’s neat trick for planting garlic cloves

Root vegetables in containers

Should you try to focus on one type of plant or can you grow a mixture of things?

Succession planting

About Maggie Stuckey

Bestselling author Maggie Stuckey is an expert in the art of growing good things to eat in containers. For more than twenty years, Maggie has been enjoying vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers grown in her own container garden — and inspiring others to transform even the tiniest spaces into vibrant personal foodways.

In her book The Container Victory Garden, Maggie shares practical and comprehensive tips and techniques for container gardening alongside the rich history of the original wartime Victory Gardens, which date back to 1917.


The Container Victory Garden: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Your Own Groceries by Maggie Stuckey – HarperCollins Focus, April 2023

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Other episodes if you liked this one:

Fruits and Vegetables in Pots

Container Planting with Harriet Rycroft


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