My guest this episode is author and activist Ellen Miles. Ellen is the founder of Nature is a Human Right, she runs Dream Green, a social enterprise that helps people get guerrilla gardening with guides, grants, and workshops and has a book that will be released this Thursday the 8th of June, Get Guerrilla Gardening: A handbook for planting in public places.
Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Spider silk
What We Talk About
What is guerrilla gardening?
Does it matter who owns the land you guerrilla garden?
Is it illegal? Are you liable if someone trips over your planter, for example?
Should we be growing more food in communities?
If you’re growing food in an urban location, how can you know the soil isn’t contaminated with anything that will be taken up by your plants?
Who decides why a space should be used for? Where is the input from the people that live with and use guerrilla gardened spaces?
What are some potentially good sites?
What are parklets?
Are there spaces (such as wild spaces) that should be left alone?
In order for a plant to establish either from seed or as a plant, it needs to have a degree of tenacity. Is it easy to strike a balance between finding plants that are tough enough to survive and persist and avoiding plants which can be invasive?
How do you cope with practical hurdles such as no water, nowhere to store your tools, nowhere to sit down…?
How do you cope with vandalism?
Should you try and communicate with the local authority? If so, who and how can you best get hold of them?
How do ensure a garden continues to thrive after it’s established?
Other resources and people doing good work in this area
About Ellen Miles
Ellen Miles is an author and activist rooting for nature in urban neighbourhoods. She founded Nature is a Human Right and edited the acclaimed anthology of essays inspired by the campaign (Nature is a Human Right: Why we’re fighting for green in a grey world, DK, 2022). Ellen also runs Dream Green, a social enterprise that helps people get guerrilla gardening with guides, grants, and workshops.
Get Guerrilla Gardening is a joyful handbook – packed with illustrated ‘how to’s, inspiring stories, and photos of vibrant transformations – demystifies the art and science of planting in public places. With no prior gardening knowledge required, Get Guerrilla Gardening guides you through a straightforward, flexible action plan to suit your aims and abilities, covering everything from the legalities of guerrilla gardening, to how to choose the right plants for your patch.
Get Guerrilla Gardening by Ellen Miles
Other episodes if you liked this one:
Public Green Spaces with Neil Sinden of CPRE
Ecological Gardens with Sid Hill
Transcript content.