This week I’m talking to Benedict Vanheems, gardener, author, editor and face of the popular YouTube channel. If you’re thinking about growing veg this year, whether you’re an old hand or new to it, you’re bound to hear something of value from Benedict, who’s innovative approach to growing food takes the hard work out of things.
Dr Ian Bedford’s Bug of the Week: Black Garden Ants
This episode is brought to you by our friends at Natural Grower. Launched in 2019, their award winning liquid fertiliser and plant feed and soil conditioner is made entirely from maize. Naturally rich in nitrogen, potash, phosphate and other trace elements that plants and vegetables love, it is approved by the Soil Association, Vegan Society and Organic Farmers and Growers. Their concentrated natural fertiliser can be poured around the base of plants, whilst the plant feed and soil conditioner can be mixed into the soil or compost and used as a mulch on the surface as a long-term slow-release fertiliser. The fertiliser can be used for all outdoor and indoor plants. As a special offer for listeners, Natural Grower are offering 15% off all of their range. Listen to the episode now to access the code.
What we talk about:
Is growing edibles right for everyone? And is it worth it?
Tips for getting seeds started in open ground
Moving seeds from indoors to outdoors
What should we be doing in our veg gardens right now?
Upcycling and repurposing household items as containers for growing in
Labour intensive jobs in the veg garden and ways to make them easier/quicker
Keeping things low maintenance
Growing mushrooms
Sprouting seeds
About Benedict Vanheems
Benedict Vanheems is a passionate home gardener specialising in delicious, organically grown fruit, vegetables and herbs. No stranger to dirt under his nails, Benedict’s fascination with plants started at an early age. As a young boy he could often be found digging holes, experimenting with sowings, or helping his granddad plant leeks or pick climbing beans on his veg patch.
As a teenager, Benedict worked during his school holidays at a nursery supplying plants to many of the UK’s top garden designers. After completing a degree in Horticulture he went on to edit gardening publications, including Garden Design Journal and Grow it!. He has written for Grow Your Own magazine and is an ongoing contributor to Kitchen Garden, Britain’s longest established edible gardening title.
In 2014 Benedict joined the team at where he has become the face of their YouTube channel, growing it from 20,000 subscribers to more than 280,000. A firm advocate of growing in tune with nature, he continues to produce compelling gardening content for the respected website, inspiring both new and seasoned gardeners to get more from their space.
Benedict lives in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire and has recently moved house, taking on a third-of-an-acre garden where he is creating two kitchen garden areas to indulge his horticultural hunger.
GrowVeg: The Beginner’s Guide to Easy Vegetable Gardening by Benedict Vanheems – Storey Publishing, 2021